Yvelise de Verney
Peadiatric Surgeon

Gelonos 9, Athens
Mrs. Yvelise De Verney graduated from the Medical School of the Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil. She completed her training in general surgery and pediatric surgery in 1990 in Santa Maria, when she obtained the title of specialist in Pediatric Surgery.
From 1991-2001 she worked as Lecturer of Pediatric Surgery in the Department of Pediatrics of the Federal University of Santa Maria. Simultaneously, she was the Head of the Pediatric Surgery Department at the University Hospital.
In the meantime, she obtained specialties in laparoscopy and pediatric urology. In clinical surgery, she was an active member of the Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Team at the University Hospital. Working at a reference center of pediatric surgery, she performed an expressive number of surgeries with a special interest in neonatal surgery, oncology, and urology, i.e. hypospadias.
In 2001, she got a fellowship for research in Congenital Megacolon at the Pediatric Surgery Department of the University of Lille, France, and remained there for the next two years. In 2003, she moved to Greece and worked as an invited surgeon at the Pediatric Surgery Clinic of the University Hospital of Patras until 2009.
She obtained the Greek certificate of Pediatric Surgery specialty and is a member of the Greek Association of Pediatric Surgery. Currently, as consultant pediatric surgeon, she is working at the IASO Children’s Hospital and at a private office.