Antenatal diagnosis
and parental counseling
With the widespread use of prenatal ultrasound and the availability of fetal MRI (magnetic resonance image), more and more birth defects are diagnosed before childbirth. The pediatric surgeon, who is called for managing potentially surgical congenital anomalies just after the birth, has an important advisory role regarding the severity, the differentiated approach, and the final prognosis.
His participation in the antenatal counseling consultation is crucial for decision making, especially in unfavorable prognosis matters related to the termination of pregnancy or not. In antenatal counseling consultation is always necessary participation of relevant multiple involved specialties.

Here there are some of surgical congenital anomalies that the parental counseling is valuable:
Esophageal atresia
Intestinal atresia
Lung masses
Hepatic tumors
Sacrococcygeal teratoma
Cystic abdominal masses